List worksheets as named ranges

Brief description:

List all worksheets as a named range using cell ‘A1’.

Full description:

List all worksheets as a named range using cell ‘A1’.

Each worksheet is listed as a named range which can make access quicker and easier.

Spaces in the worksheet name are replaced with an underscore. Each worksheet is appended with a ‘WS_’ string for easy identification.

For example:  Running this routine on a workbook with six worksheets produced the following list…

Hidden worksheets are not shown if selected.

To use: Run the macro. Then worksheets are available from the named range dropdown box at the top left of Excel.

NOTE: This can be convenient but is less useful if there are a lot of named ranges or worksheets in use.


Sub ListWorksheetsInNamedRanges()
    'Procedure to list all worksheets as named ranges for easy access
    Dim CurrWS As Worksheet
    Dim ThisWorkBook As Workbook
    Set ThisWorkBook = ActiveWorkbook
    For Each CurrWS In ThisWorkBook.Worksheets
        ThisWorkBook.Names.Add _
            Name:="WS_" & Replace(CurrWS.Name, " ", "_"), _
            RefersTo:="='" & CurrWS.Name & "'!" & CurrWS.Range("A1").Address
    Next CurrWS
End Sub