Text between characters

Brief description:

Returns the text between specified characters – eg. specifying “fox” and “here” for “the fox jumped there” returns ” jumped t”

Full description:

Returns the text between specified strings of characters.

For example: Specifying “fox” and “here” for “the fox jumped there” returns ” jumped t”

To use: Call the function from a cell, specifying the string to work on and the starting and ending strings to use. ie using the example above, if the text “the fox jumped there” is in cell ‘G4’ – Use:

=TextBetweenChars(G4, “fox”, “here”)


Function TextBetweenChar(ByVal InString As String, DefChar As String) As String
    'Returns the string between the first and 2nd instance of the specified character
    Dim FirstPos As Integer, SecPos As Integer
    Dim DefCharCount As Integer
    Dim CharInd As Integer
    DefCharCount = (Len(InString) - Len(Replace(InString, DefChar, ""))) / Len(DefChar)
    If DefCharCount < 2 Then
        TextBetweenChar = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    FirstPos = Application.WorksheetFunction.Search(DefChar, InString, 1) + Len(DefChar)
    SecPos = Application.WorksheetFunction.Search(DefChar, InString, FirstPos + 1)
    TextBetweenChar = Mid(InString, FirstPos, SecPos - FirstPos)
End Function