Adds spacing characters in front of numeric ids so that their length is the same. ie 10 & 200 could be converted to 00010 & 00200. This allows for correct alpha-numeric sorting. Instead of data being sorted as [Team 1, Team 11, Team 2, Team 3], it will be sorted as [Team 001, Team 002, Team 003, Team 011]

Dale Anderson

Returns the day number (ie how many days have passed in the year)

Dale Anderson

Returns the text before the specified character or the nth instance of the specified character

Dale Anderson

Returns the text after the specified character or the nth specified character

Dale Anderson

Returns the text between specified characters – eg. specifying “fox” and “here” for “the fox jumped there” returns ” jumped t”

Dale Anderson

Replaces multiple instances of a defined character within a string with a single instance of a specified character ie “sdfdes——sdfhd—–kghgh—-hsdfh–” -> “sdfdes-sdfhd-kghgh-hsdfh-“

Dale Anderson