Incremental progress – 06.05.2022
Site is now online with the core functionality working pretty much as I want. Probably the biggest task at present is to upload the scripts and tools I intend to share. Many served a purpose at the time I built them and were not necessarily bullet proof. Hence I need to review each bit of code before uploading. Hence I will be doing that over a few months I expect.
Still, I can’t say version 1.0 is finished yet. It is online and functioning but there are still details to finish yet.
Tasks to complete for launch are:
- Final styling checks
- Remove obsolete category from main searches or put to the end
- Adding solutions from my library
- Add a ‘contributors’ page – just me for now
At that point I will call v1.0 finished and will come back to it when I am ready to work on v2.0.