SET solution structure – 21.08.2024

I have been contemplating the pros & cons of two different approaches to store and display the Shared Excel Tools solutions. Should I stick with the wordpress approach or spend time to make a more customised backend?

I have been contemplating the pros & cons of two different approaches to store and display the Shared Excel Tools solutions. This site is a wordpress site and the first working version stored VBA solutions as posts in the typical wordpress manner. This was & is sufficient but it has some cons. With the different parts of a solution (ie brief description, images, code) stored in a wordpress database, version control, as I understand it, is quite simplistic. For each update, a new record is created that is connected to the original via the database schema. This is sufficient in general but I prefer the Git approach with a summery of changes and a comment to describe them. Git also has no limits on the number of changes while wordpress has a limit after which the older versions are dropped. Without particular protocols in place, this could lead to lost data or information.

I have also been disappointed at the number of times I have had html tags inserted into my posts by wordpress. There are times that I feel like I am fighting the ‘system’ to get the content to display as I want.

An alternative I have played with is to store the SET solutions in their own folder with separate files for each of the components of the solution. This strays away from the typical wordpress installation so it risks complicating things and creating lots of unnecessary work but it has benefits as well. It allows version control via git. It allows more straight forward editing of content and no risk of wordpress compomising the data. On the other hand, wordpress functionality like ‘searching’ could be largely compromised.

It might be that I need a combination of both.